Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I'm not sure why,

but i found this amusing. these are ORIGINAL ANSWERS, so please give credit if you plagiarize. :) i find there's nothing quite as annoying as someone with no originality. (but it's okay if you admit you're not being original ...)

BOYFRIEND CRITERIA (or something..)

1. hair color: probably brown
2. eye color: doesn’t matter
3. height: taller than me, which is not saying much (i draw the line at 6’3”, and that would still be ridiculous)
4. six pack?: of what? kidding, yes, i like abs
5. long/short hair: short
6. glasses?: if he needs them, please
7. piercings?: discreet ones only
8. chest hair?: no more than on his head
9. buff or skinny: skinny, i hate muscles
10. straight teeth, gap, or braces?: good if he has teeth, better if they’re well taken care of
11. punk/jock/emo/sXe/goth?: punk or emo?
12. funny or serious: seriously funny
13. party or stay at home: stay at home
14. should he cook or bake?: cook, i’ll do the baking
15. should he have a best friend? doesn’t matter, as long as he has friends he can trust
16. should he have a lot of girl friends? yeah, he needs to know how to handle women
17. outgoing or shy: shy
18. sarcastic or sincere: sincere, i’m sarcastic enough for the both of us
19. would he watch chick flicks? he will
20. would he be a smoker? no, look elsewhere for an ashtray
21. would he drink? sometimes
22. would he swear? sometimes
23. would he pay for dates? yes
24. does he kiss on the first date? no
25. where would you go to dinner? somewhere with character
26. would he bring you flowers? yes, if he wants me happy
27. would he lay under the stars with you? yes
28. would he write poetry about you? yes, maybe not good poetry
29. would he call you hunny, sweetie, dear or baby? please, none of the above
30. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? of course
31. would you hang out with him and HIS friends? yeah, they’ll be my friends, too
32. would he play sports? enjoy them, if not master them
33. would he skateboard? yes!
34. would he snowboard? only without me
35. guitar? definitely a plus
36. play piano? more bonus points
37. play drums? maybe
38. would he clean his room? probably not
39. would he paint, draw, sculpt? he’d want to
41. would he sing for you? yes, if only to make me laugh
42. use the word dude? yes, and it would have to be natural
43. use the word tight? probably only in jest
44. what kind of car would he drive? one that he doesn’t really care that much about (or if he cares, he would care less once he met me)
45. would he put his arm around you or hold your hands? hold my hand, i’m not a post
46. would he dance? if i asked him to
47. how often would you see him? not as much as we would like but that’s a good thing
48. would you want him to get you jewelry? not unless it’s a ring
49. stay up and talk all night long? not on the phone
50. say I love you? when it’s appropriate

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