Tuesday, November 09, 2004


expletives, expletives.

i just agreed to work at kohl's THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. i haven't done this in two years due to having a tournament friday & saturday of thanksgiving weekend. but this year, no tournament.

so, when my manager, who is basically letting me make my own schedule for the next four months, asked me if i could work, i said i could. he then uttered an expletive so extreme, i nearly choked. i believe the words were "5:30 a.m." "no," i responded, in shock that he would use such foul language, with customers around in fact. i informed him that indeed he did not want me there at [insert aforementioned expletive], but that i could work 7-1.

my ears are still ringing.

so, on that fateful day, you know where to find me ... buried underneath a pile of clothes in the juniors' department.

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