Wednesday, November 03, 2004

How to silence a group of 150 teenagers

tell them there's a "family issue" to be addressed. that's what happened tonight at youth group, and let me tell you, you could have heard the proverbial pin drop.

the details of the specific event were not disclosed, and it wasn't even meant as a time to directly address that event, but the topic of gossip was the focus. we stayed completely on topic the whole evening once we split up into our groups. boy, we need that kind of prodding from the holy spirit sometimes. no, let me take that back. it was more like sledgehammer to the cranium. something apparently happened over the weekend at a party where someone went over the line in some fashion (again, things were communicated very vaguely, on purpose) but the person was repentant. but rumors and gossip ensued, and it's not the first time. nor will it be the last. but i think the point was well taken. the kids responded very positively to the admonishment.

oh yeah, i'm glad george w. won. i'm not glad that i've become even more disallusioned (i can't even say that it's actually disallusionment ... i've never thought our political system was exemplary) with the voting process. i'll probably have to save that post for next time, however.

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