Thursday, December 16, 2004

Little Bear & the biggest snowball ever

I've decided to make a top ten of my own, just for a dose of the warm fuzzies. Feel free to post yours, or email me with them! (you all should have my addy) OR, better yet ... use your handy dandy holiday journal! :)

1. The Sweet Smell of Christmas -- Little Bear smells it, can you too? I think I scratched all possible scent off each page, my favorites being the hot chocolate and the orange scents.

2. Having a snowball fight with my sister in the front yard and mercilessly heaving the biggest snowball in the universe (to my three-year-old mind at least) directly at her face. Ah, good times ... good times.

3. Baking Christmas cookies into the wee small hours of the morning. Technically, it's a memory. Yesterday's memory. (baking Christmas cookies at all tops the list, too)

4. Making all my presents last year, which didn't save me much money (not the point anyway) but made me think about each person as i put in the effort!

5. Leaving Christmas cookies out for Santa and seeing a note left with the crumbs on the napkin the next morning.

6. Straining to hear the reindeer settling on the roof before succumbing to sleep far, far after your bedtime, which was probably 9 p.m. anyway.

7. Andy Williams on the "reel-to-reel" player (i've just learned the name of this contraption) every Christmas when i was growing up.

8. The sight of bulging stockings, the first thing we were allowed to tear into on Christmas morning. They were seemingly endless some years ... and sometimes the best presents really were in the smallest packages.

9. Reading the Christmas story from Luke every year to commence the festivities.

10. Giving a heartfelt gift and seeing it touch a person's life because of the sincerity behind it, not necessarily the gift itself.

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