Wednesday, April 20, 2005

a new development in a neverending saga

i think i've posted about them before, so for those of you who remember/knew jenn (brower) palmer, go here ...

for those of you who don't/didn't, here is the 411 before you click here. jenn was a friend of mine whose parents were missionaries to brazil. every four years on their furlough, they'd come home for one year. jenn became a good friend during our 8th grade year, and then she came back to the States again our senior year. she went to Baptist Bible College in PA. she met and married mark palmer (who was, btw, my college recruiter from that school ... i'd thought i would go there for most of my high school years, but ended up elsewhere. i actually talked to him on the phone once a month during my senior year after i was accepted there.) they had an adorable little boy named micah. to make a very long and grueling story short, jenn was diagnosed with stomach cancer and died within a very short time. this was a couple of years ago. mark just recently remarried. he also, more recently, was diagnosed with cancer himself. he's undergone chemo and is now awaiting surgery. what he's just now letting people know is that his insurance is refusing to cover his medical expenses. they are claiming the "preexisting condition" crap.

i most of you don't know mark, jenn, micah or amy (mark's new wife), but God loves this man. he has an incredible ministry to the local body of believers in Cincinnati, and he has faith to move mountains. please pray for him. pray for his physical status, and pray for his financial status. if you read his livejournal, you'll see the bills have accumulated to at least $75,000.

at this point, my humanity/depravity overwhelms me, and i think, "how much more can a person take" in my limited scope of God's divine plan, i know the answer ... whatever God allows into his life. in all honesty, while i'm pleading with God for a reprieve, i selfishly desire a continuation to the spectacular display of God's wisdom and sustaining in this man's life. i have learned so much from the circumstances surrounding, faith through and results of the events that have taken place in the past few years.

all that to say, will you please pray? pray and be astounded at the culmination of our prayers.

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