Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a gentle reminder ...

of how utterly blessed i am in my friendships came to me last night during my visit to kalamazoo.

i spent a wonderful extended evening with amy, baby iris and husband jon. we chatted about rob bell while dining at a cute yet classy italian cafe, using a coupon no less. how much more perfect could it get? man, i've missed her. we somehow, through the twists and turns, end up on the same page eventually, in more ways than one. i really hope it's not months till we see each other again.

i was reminded that i have an incredibly unique (i know, it's redundant or contradictory to modify the word 'unique' ... but it's a blog, for sobbing out loud) friendship that no one should have the power to control but God. yeah, you know it. everyone needs someone who understands them. cash, the people reading this either a) don't know you b) don't care if we're dating or not c) think either would be marvelous or d) any combination of the above. i sincerely thank God for them ... and you.

i had a long time in coming phone conversation with manda, who just bought a house in washington state, where her husband tim is originally from. their son benjamin is TWO years old. unbelievable. i'm so glad she took the initiative to contact me when i've dropped the ball so miserably in the past six months! we have a lot of catching up to do!

my old roommate mel and i have had some seriously good talks lately. we often find each other in familiar if precarious stages of life (hers currently involving med school ... yikes!). we are both learning a LOT. it's so encouraging.

my dear friend adrienne has a knack for brightening my day with text messages, voicemails and cards ... which she did just yesterday. i love that she hasn't forgotten about me as she's been held captive in sunny florida for the past few years. i admire and respect her heart for ministry (i.e., people) so much.

i've gotten to spend a few nights with lisa, the visits usually being more brief than ideal, but still quality. she's so hospitable, and the conversation is always good for the soul. not only that, she's one of the coolest people i know. :) i deeply regret not getting in on the death cab/franz ferdinand action while i could!

amanda calls me periodically just to say she loves me and misses me ... even though she has gorgeous little caleb zakai (and husband jon) to fill her days with perfection. i wish she lived closer because i miss our talks sooooo much. they are what helped me survive college. i so wish i could pick her brain again for a smidgeon of its genius.

and though emily and i haven't been able to connect lately (ok, it's been faaaaaar too long), i smile every time i think of her. she always knows how to make me laugh and how to make me feel loved. i love HER so much. she and keith are adopting a little one SOON! i'm so excited for them!

this haphazard list has made me notice the absence of any news from the portland area. and others. must get on that.

i could go on. but i really can't. must attempt sleep before 6:50 a.m. rolls around.

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