Monday, June 19, 2006

Backlog of blog ...

some quick updates.

i started full-time at willie's today. i am learning so much stuff, but i know i'm only scratching the surface. i just found out that i'll be taking on even more responsibility with one of my coworkers leaving for a vocational ministry position. i'm enjoying seeing all the different aspects of the job as well as getting to know people there. one thing i'm wondering is what i'm going to do with a full hour lunch. it definitely doesn't take me an hour to eat. i don't have anywhere nearby to just chill. i don't want to go out every day for lunch, either, but no one really eats in the breakroom. i guess it's not unlike the church, but my new office won't be nearly as convenient to eat in. i don't think i'd get much of a lunch hour if i stayed in there. i'm sure i'll figure something out, though.

camp went really well, and it's so sad that it's our last year of holding it. next year, we're gearing up for family camp. i have to add, along with the annual highlights such as getting to know all my girls, participating in chapels and learning about myself and God, i had quite the experience with breaking my nose on the last night of camp. i didn't really think it was broken till the swelling went down thursday and i saw that it was crooked and heard it 'crackle' when i tried to adjust it. i had x-rays taken, but i'm hoping since i didn't hear from my doctor today that everything looks okay. i really wouldn't even have gone to the doctor if it weren't for the pleading from some of my friends and family.

i'm not only transitioning to a new job, but i'll also be moving to a new place sometime in july. my current rooming situation will change as of august 1, and i've found a friend who wants to move out of where she's living now to be closer to work. granted, the downside for me will be that i'll be farther away from my job. but i think that it's a fair trade, because it's a nicer place in a nicer neighborhood, and the rent is comparable, as well as the utilities. i'll also be quite conveniently located as far as church and other friends go. now glori (my new roommate) and i will have to go through the lovely ordeal of furniture shopping, as neither of us have very much to start with. jen is keeping the couch, per our previous agreement when we bought it, but she will be 'buying' my half of it. i keep the fatsak, since i paid for it ... but we'll need a dining room set and decor. i am pretty sure i'll be leaving all the paris-themed decor that jen and i bought for our living room. it's not totally my style anyway. i'm excited to redecorate, but not excited about the expense! we are going to be bargain shopping, which is fine by me. it's more adventurous that way. we'll be moving in after the trip to costa rica, which we'll both be on.

i've already got quite the start on my summer tan with trips to various beaches and time spent outside with the kids at camp. costa rica is coming up in about two weeks. i am nowhere near ready. it's been ... job transition, camp preparation, going to camp, more job transition ... and will be ... costa rica preparation, going to costa rica, preparing for the move, moving, settling in ... and finally breathing at the end of the summer. oh, and it looks like they've hired someone to replace me at the church, so i'll need to move my stuff out ... sometime soon. add it on to the list.

so what is new with everyone? email me! my address has changed to ResRas[at], for those of you who still have my comcast one. oh, and the church email (ajh aharris[at] will soon be defunct. i'm currently having everything forwarded from that address to my verizon account. my new work email hasn't been set up yet, but it will be aharris[at] hope to hear from you all (if i haven't already ... ) soon!!

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