Monday, November 05, 2007

So here i am

i'm posting this in hopes that it will motivate me to post again sometime in the next six months. at least i can no longer say, "but it's been so long ... what's another day?"

maybe i will write something meaningful in the process of getting back in the saddle. whenever i hear that phrase, "back in the saddle," i inwardly cringe. it makes me think of Sleepless in Seattle, which is one of the more annoying movies i've ever seen, followed closely behind by While You Were Sleeping. you know that part where Tom Hanks announces to himself (and his daughter inadvertently) that he's "going to get laid"? yeah. that's what that phrase reminds me of, because the song starts playing. at least that's how i remember it.

ok, so that was not meaningful. let's try again. i am still working at Willie's for the time being. i've gone from being completely lost to really enjoying my job to dreading coming in every day to plain old apathy. that could have something to do with the four job description changes in the last year or so that i've been here. for the most part, i've loved learning and doing everything that i've learned and done. it's the process that has been painful. i am not sure what the near future holds. hopefully it involves something slightly more fulfilling than what i've been resorting to recently in the housing market lull ... reviving my blog.

i suppose to spice things up even more, i could go so far as to upload a pic or two. here are some recent ones.

Visiting Emily in late September

Wine tasting/tour at Tabor Hill with Dre, Leah & Cassi in early October

My Picasso pumpkin on Halloween

Hashimi Sashimi at Stirred last weekend

now, all the necessary elements for a good blog entry are here. it came together, kinda like stone soup.

whew. i did it. till next time.

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