Friday, December 31, 2010

blogging again, day 2

maybe this means i made a new year's resolution? i'm not sure i've ever done that before.

no, let's be honest. only sane people set goals that require a year's commitment!

speaking of commitment, i went to a wedding luncheon yesterday for my friends alicia and john. it was a really nice time, and i wish them a lifetime of, well, each other... among other things. rachel brought the class.

afterward, i met my dear friend jenna for coffee (or rather, a london fog) and some long overdue conversation. talking with her is like airing out my soul.

then i went to see kari for the second time in as many weeks. i love when honesty and rambling are equally valued.

i'm pretty much dreading monday. in light of that, decided tonight merited some serious vegging.

happiest of new years to all...

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