Wednesday, January 26, 2011


but sincere.

some thoughts.

wish i knew more spanish.
wish fall could last all year.
think an espresso i.v. can't be invented quickly enough. but would miss the taste.
just rediscovered the joys of knee-high socks.
really don't know how that stuff grew in the bottom of my fridge.
have come close to eating my weight's worth in chips and salsa on many occasions.
don't understand how anyone gets excited about baseball. or golf. or running a marathon.
think everyone needs to learn the universal language of sarcasm. pretty sure that's the key to accomplishing world peace.
have one eyebrow that likes to do yoga, specifically in response to the male gender.
love tea but not that permanent ring it leaves in my mug.
think i look pregnant in most of my clothes but don't really care cuz they're comfy.
wish the world smiled more.
am going to sleep.


Stephanie Lancione said...

You make me smile :)

Jamie Soen Leonhard said...

Why don't you come to Granada and learn more Spanish then...? I know a guy....