Thursday, March 17, 2011

soooooooo close.

i almost started packing tonight. i was THISCLOSE to it. instead, i went shopping and did laundry (i can't stand coming home to laundry or dishes). i'm really hoping my roommate runs out of cups so she has to do them while i'm gone. considering i have four shelves' worth of cups, mugs and glasses... not likely. so a little more shopping, showering, lesson plans and packing are on tomorrow's (oops, today's) agenda. probably not in that order. all that with the prospect of a decent night's sleep thrown in there? not bad. i'm trying to clear thoughts of work from my mind as the twitch under my eye reminds me that the last 5 1/2 hours at the office today were spent glued to my chair. i literally sent 52 emails today. the amount of information i tried to dispense makes my head spin. even more so than the lack of sleep is doing right now. signing off with the strains of chris carrabba serenading me...

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