Friday, July 30, 2004

The most obnoxious people in the world ...

are inevitably religious. usually christian. most likely dense.

i just read this blog where the author was describing one of the most annoying people you could imagine. she was a coworker who had an all too chipper attitude about everything in life and was constantly sending "inspiring" emails and taking this person out to lunch with her life coach, all while the author is self-admittedly hung over and simply in need of some advil. she then went on to describe a situation where the coworker invited her to a prayer group. ugh. get a clue, people. first of all, know the people you're trying to "win over." meaning, well enough to know when they're interested and really listening to you or when they're hung over and couldn't care less. second, don't be an idiot and assume that this person is going to jump at the chance to investigate just what it is that makes us christians so psycho or that this person will want to delve deep into his/her personal life to uncover the tragedy that is their spirituality in front of a bunch of strangers simply because you are certainly not like every other person in the office. you are happy, darn it! even when you shouldn't be! if i'm strange enough, surely you'll want to be just like me.

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