Tuesday, October 19, 2004

blogging again

so i'm back. i guess it took a lot out of me writing that indy update. and i've also talked to a few friends on the phone in the past couple of days, so i think my word quota was maxed. funny that mine should be so small, but it's true. i can only say so much before i drive myself crazy. yes, it's a scary thing.

we had our first official cheerleading practice on saturday, and only two girls were missing. we knew about it ahead of time, but unfortunately one of them was a captain and one was a new girl who didn't even go to camp, so she knows absolutely nothing. the girls did pretty well with picking up the camp cheers. we're having a (acting) captains' meeting today to try to strategize for the season. i'm finally looking forward to the season a little. i was a little disallusioned with the whole thing at the end of last season and haven't really been that excited about the year until just recently. the freshman girls are a breath of fresh air (no pun intended), even if they're understandably on the immature side. let's just say i'll be glad to work with JV as much as i can. i just don't know how much to be involved in the decision-making process, because last year it seemed we would talk about something we'd want to try, but it never quite made it to practice, for one reason or another. i don't know if i want to put a lot of planning and thought into stuff if i'm only going to be frustrated later with it not actually happening. i totally enjoy just being able to be a part and help lori out, so it's not a huge deal ... unless i am investing a lot of time and energy into something that never comes to fruition. i really can be about as involved as i want to be, as far as she's concerned, i think. i just don't know how far i should put myself out there in attempting to coach these girls as opposed to being a resource for lori. i don't know if it's a skill i should try to develop more, or if i should take it from the first season i tried to coach that i'm just not cut out to be a coach. we'll see as the season progresses how much my heart is into it.

i'm going to dinner with my care group tomorrow night. i'm pretty excited because i suggested it, and i think most of the girls are going to be able to be there. it's the perfect, most convenient time to meet with such a large group of people. we're going to BW3s, and i'm picking up Patrice, who was in my group last year. she came for the first time last week. i hope she's there when i go to pick her up, because i asked if she needed a ride after groups last week, and she said yes. so i'm assuming this meant she probably wouldn't have come unless i'd mentioned it to her, and she didn't say anything during groups about needing a ride. and i also asked if i should call to remind her, and she said that she'd remember. i think she maybe felt a little overwhelmed, with it being her first week in our new group ... and our group is a lot more comfortable with each other than last year's. meaning, they talk a lot and get along while doing it, as opposed to just talking a lot and voicing very personal opinions without regard to what others may think. yes, last year was a little challenging. but the girls were really good at listening to Patrice and inviting her to be a part of their conversation without being patronizing.

i had my first accountability meeting with the new group i was "assigned" to, and then i met with my old group, which i was switched back to on sunday. i have mixed feelings about the switch, because i was looking forward all summer to being with my old group. but then when i met with the new group, they had a completely different feel and it was great to get to see that side of a few of the girls who i have had some interaction with (like counseling with at camp or being in a cabin at winter advance or cheerleading) but not really close. two of the "new" girls are in my care group, and being new to that group, it would have been nice to get to know them a little better and have some more to go on as far as relationships go in that group. but i'm so comfortable with the "old" girls. there is one new girl, so that takes the number to 8, including me. it's a large group, and it will be a challenge to have focused interaction as a group.

i'm off to the prayer retreat on friday & saturday, and, again, i'm really looking forward to it. i don't know what i'm going to do about fasting on friday yet. if i did it all day friday, which they're asking, i would basically not eat from thursday dinner to saturday lunch. i know a headache (which i'll inevitably get) is not a huge deal, and i am prepared for it, but i don't know how the day at work will go, plus a late night, plus a relatively early morning. is this ridiculous of me to be weighing the downfalls/benefits of fasting? honestly, i think of fasting as a time to deny yourself so you can be completely focused on the task of prayer/meditation/seeking wisdom from God. i don't know how this happens at work. i know i can take the 1/2-hour lunch and pray, and then do it again at "dinner." i know some people don't include beverages when they fast. so it's not necessarily denying yourself nourishment, just the fact that you're denying yourself something, and this hopefully turns your focus to the task at hand. it's more a discipline than actually devoting yourself to continuous prayer. one of my girls is fasting for 24 hours, meaning she's eating lunch friday, then won't eat until we eat lunch together on saturday at the retreat. so it's dinner and breakfast for her. i don't know. i just am not that sold on fasting from food, i guess. there are other things i can think of that would be more meaningful for me to give up. like music in the car. or the internet. but how do you replace your entire day at work? well, i've got a few more days to contemplate this. i guess the real question for me is, what will i give up that will most efficiently cause me to dedicate a significant amount of quality time to prayer?

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