Friday, October 15, 2004

Today's Top Ten

subject: Top 10 "Feel Good" Moments

1. walking calmly through a downpour because you know that where you're going, no one cares what you look like and you're in no hurry anyway
2. waking up on your own in a warm, sunny room
3. spending an hour staring at caillebote's "rainy day in paris" at the art institute ... with amanda fashbaugh

4. when your nephew reaches out to see if you're still there (and sighs in satisfaction when you are) while you're putting him to sleep
5. anytime you can take part in last week's top 10 [top 10 songs to sing along to when you're driving w/the windows rolled down]
6. a vacation when you don't have anything you have to do
7. running into an old friend unexpectedly and making a day of it
8. finding out your pictures of something are almost as good as the memories you have of it
9. being able to give the perfect gift to someone
10. realizing your favorite "feel good moments" are much more than you ever deserved, yet you're pretty sure God will just keep 'em coming

how's that for warm fuzzies on a brisk (and/or wet) autumn day?

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