Friday, October 22, 2004

falling in love with a group of teens

so i had dinner with my care group wednesday night at bw3s ... and patrice in fact was home, and i picked her up, met her mom and twin brother and had comfortable conversation on the ride to the restaurant. i hope she continues to come. there were about 15 of us there, so we had to split up into two groups. when we got into groups at church, we took prayer requests and then prayed for the person to the left. i wasn't sure how this was going to go, because we were pretty chatty to begin with. i finally gave the suggestion to pray as such, and it went really well. these girls actually sounded like they care about each other. (and i told them, even if they don't, just pretend.) i really needed this group this year. i think most people, from what i'm hearing from leaders, had a similar experience last year with their groups just not going quite as smoothly or in the direction they intended. but the leadership as a whole is targeting that, and the group is already taking on a different feel.

the prayer request that i gave was that i just manage my time well, with things getting busier (outside of the office of course) due to cheerleading and church activities. i was strategizing later that night (asking someone else to consider an issue in your life in turn generally makes you feel like you should also put some effort into the issue ... interesting phenomenon), and the giant light bulb appeared over my thick skull. ummm, since i do tend to have a lot of free time during the day, why don't i use that for some spiritually beneficial activities (i.e., devotions, memorization of scripture, keeping in contact with care group/accountability group girls, etc.)? there are just a plethora of things that would probably more specifically constitute a wise use of time as opposed to wondering what i should search for on the internet next. it seems i'm just smart enough to know that i'm an idiot, and that's probably the most miserable of mental states.

so, an update to the fasting dilemma. yes, i'm doing it. i still wasn't sure as of this morning. my mom asked me last night if i wanted to meet for lunch (she has a 12:00 lunch for the first time since taking her new job), and i didn't want to turn her down since we haven't had lunch together at all this week, but it was still weighing in the back of my mind whether i was going to totally commit to this prayer weekend. we haven't set up specifics, but i think i'll just go with her, since i probably will see her for like 20 minutes tonight when she gets home from work, then i leave. this morning i asked to see the reminder letter that got sent to all the teen participants for the retreat (it wasn't sent to leaders), and it detailed what was expected and asked that we plan on fasting from friday morning to saturday morning when we'll eat breakfast together. i figured it's the least i should be doing. probably 40 senior highers are doing it, or at least attempting to.

in closing, i just want to make it clear what good therapy blogging is. you should try it.

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