Thursday, October 21, 2004

scam, bam, thank you ... sir

so i'm benefitting from a scam that got forwarded (unbeknownst to him as being such) to me by my brother-in-law ... one of those free IPOD things where "all you have to do" is sign up for one of their special offers ... oh, and then get 5 of your friends to do the same. anyway, when i was signing up with BMG for like the third time a couple of months ago, i looked for something like this where i could at least get a second deal, but i couldn't find anything. come to think of it, i signed my sister up as a referral before i'd cancelled my second membership, and when i signed up for the third time, i was her referral. we should just keep doing this and each getting free cds. and then we can sell them on ebay for 100% profit! yessssss ... i'm gonna be rich. ahem. back to the subject. so i signed up for a separate, and fourth, account with BMG through the IPOD thing, and via my other account and various target fixes, have recently acquired the following CDs. thought there was a chance someone might be the least bit interested:

Bob Dylan/MTV Unplugged
Bob Dylan/Time Out of Mind
Bob Dylan/Bob Dylan
New Amsterdams/Worse for the Wear
New Amsterdams/Para Toda Vida
Franz Ferdinand/Franz Ferdinand
Ray Charles/The Best of the Atlantic Years
Andy Willams/Personal Christmas Collection
Josh Groban/In Concert
Wicker Park Soundtrack
Modest Mouse/The Moon & Antarctica (about as easy to type as it is to say, lisa)
Chevelle/This Type of Thinking Could Do Us In
Killers/Hot Fuss

Such Great Heights/Postal Service
I was thinking it's a sign that the freckles
in our eyes are mirror images and when
we kiss they're perfectly aligned
and I have to speculate that god himself
did make us into corresponding shapes like
puzzle pieces from the clay
and true, it may seem like a stretch, but
its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
head when you're away when I am missing
you to death
when you are out there on the road for
several weeks of shows and when you scan
the radio, I hope this song will guide you

they will see us waving from such great
heights, "come down now," they'll say
but everything looks perfect from far away,
"come down now," but we'll stay...

I tried my best to leave this all on your
machine but the persistant beat it sounded
thin upon listening
and that frankly will not fly. you will hear
the shrillest highs and lowest lows with
the windows down when this is guiding
you home

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