Sunday, October 03, 2004

What is it about the weekend

that makes me such a complete slacker??? closing at kohl's really threw me off, i must admit. friday night, i knew i didn't have to open at 8 a.m., so after a high school football game and BW3's, i went home to veg for a couple of hours. then i worked saturday 3:15-10:30. the place was a mess, and our jrs. supervisor swore she couldn't even keep up, but when she left i got the entire department picked up and most of the fixtures looking like a tornado hadn't hit. let's just say i'm going to enjoy the trip to indy for a number of reasons.

speaking of the indy trip, i'm still pondering the digital camera dilemma. i procured (or at least thought i had) the use of my office's digital cam (56x zoom) for the weekend, but then at the last minute someone asked to take it to costa rica!! then i arranged for them to take another camera, but i came in this morning to find that this person had arranged to take yet a different camera, but the one i was going to take had also been spoken for by someone else going to costa rica (different trip). so i'm trying to decide if i should bother taking the one i'd arranged for the first person to take (27x zoom) or if i should just invest in one. i'm thinking of using my greece fund, which sadly remained untapped for the duration of the summer, to fund the investment. i have this thing about carrying around change, so i stash it away whenever i get the opportunity to clean out my purse. i've got at least $150 by now, and i haven't counted in a while.

on to the SOTD for yesterday ...

Against All Odds/Postal Service (brings back memories, huh??)
How can I just let you walk away
Just let you leave without a trace
When I stand here

Taking every breath with you
You're the only one who really knew me at all

How can you just walk away from me
When all I can do is watch you leave?
'cause we shared the laughter and the pain
And evenn shared the tears
You're the only one who really new me at all

So take a look at me now
There's just an empty space
There's nothing left here to remind me
just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
there's just an empty space
you coming back to me is against the odds
and that's what i've gotta face

I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There's so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You're the only one who really knew me at all

So take a look at me now
There's just an empty space
There's nothing left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face

Take a look at me now
There's just an empty space
And to wait for you is all I can do
And that's what I've got to face

Take a look at me now
I'm just standing here
And you coming back to me
Is against the odds
And that's a chance I've got to face

So take a look at me now

And for today ...
Stockholm Syndrome/Blink-182
This is the first (thing I remember)
now it's the last (thing left on my mind)
afraid of the dark (do you hear me whisper)
an empty heart (replaced with paranoia)
where do we go (life's temporary)
after we're gone (like new years resolutions)
why is this hard (do you recognize me)
I know I'm wrong (but I can't help believing)

I'm so lost
I'm barely here
I wish I could explain myself
but words escape me
it's too late
to save me
you're too late
you're too late

You're cold with disappointment
while I'm drowning in the next room
the last contagious victim of this plague between us
I'm sick with apprehension
I'm crippled from exhaustion
and I dread the moment when you finally come to kill me

This is the first (thing I remember)
now it's the last (thing left on my mind)
afraid of the dark (do you hear me whisper)
an empty heart (replaced with paranoia)
where do we go (life's temporary)
after we're gone (like new years resolutions)
why is this hard (do you recognize me)
I know I'm wrong (but I can't help believing)

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