Tuesday, October 05, 2004

where're sue and her starbuck's when you need it?

oh, right, she's on her way to costa rica. well, last night i did manage to catch michael phelps on jay leno, but only in a round-about way. in a verbose excuse for not posting yesterday, here's how my day went. after meeting my mom at work at 6 p.m. to caravan to the car place (due to annoying brake-sqealing/grinding finally getting on my nerves/service engine soon light that refuses to be vanquished no matter how hard i glare at/threaten it), i sat in my car waiting for 20 minutes wondering if maybe she'd gotten smeared across the railroad tracks just blocks away and i'd somehow missed the metallic crunching/screeching of train/telltale sirens. no, it was just that she'd managed to get LOST in the two blocks between the library and car shop. she'd taken a right instead of a left at the light and drove up and down the wrong end of main street for 20 minutes. so after we were reunited, i drove home, changed clothes and headed out to take dinner to a frenetically packing jen marvin. i ended up just chilling while she packed, double-checking her list and trying to parry the attacks from her cat on my head. then at 9:45, she asked if i wouldn't mind taking her to the church at 11 since i was already there. sure, but i'd HAVE to tape leno. set the vcr, took her to the church and returned to her apartment to retrieve the tape. didn't get home till after 11:30, took a shower and woke up early so blurred vision is understandable, if not enjoyable.

oh, i decided to combine the use of my office's old sony mavica digital cam (uses floppy disks, so it's a little cumbersome, but it takes great action shots and has a 14x optical zoom) and the youth's 10x zoom digital cam. i actually tried it out "in motion" and it's not too bad. katie and i can just compete for the best shots.

i can't even bring myself to post the lyrics, but yesterday's SOTD (thanks once again to the U93 morning crew) is Break Away/Kelly Clarkson. yes, i know. i blame it on my delirious subconscious state every day at 7 a.m.

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