Monday, November 15, 2004

Top Ten Holidays You'd Like to Institute

1. national no one makes fun of short people day (punishable by death)
2. national bumper sticker censorship day (i.e., i would get to pull off all those irritating "my kid's an honor roll student" stickers and replace them with that one about "my kid beat up your honor roll student" and the like)
3. "Office Space" reenactment day (did you get the memo?)
4. national fast food has no calories day (Okay, i might be taking too much liberty with this one, but you said, "if you had the power," and i'm assuming if i had the power to institute these holidays, i'd also have to be able to rig this)
5. national no-one-tries-to-fix-the-poor-must-be-lonely-and-desperate-
lonely-desperate-neighbor's-daughter/son day (i think this is self-explanatory)
6. My birthday, as a national holiday. heck, make it international.
7. national anti-music snobbery day (what in the heck is wrong with hanson?!? okay, seriously ...)
8. national don't use your turn signal day ... oh wait, i'm pretty sure that's every day
9. cinema appreciation day (free movies, all day ... and your boss expects you to miss work)
10. national everyone trades place with a retail/fast food/factory/telemarketing worker/[insert most despicable job you can think of] day (oooohh ... perspective)

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