Friday, February 18, 2005

ahhh, the guilt

it's just too much. i had to get on here to update everyone (anyone) who reads this. what's been going on since ... feb. 7 i believe is the last time i posted? (not bad. it hasn't even been two weeks.) yes, i celebrated S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day) this past monday, along with those who aren't so relationally challenged. i believe i can joke about this freely because i've always actually liked feb. 14th (a.k.a. valentine's day). i don't treat it as a day of mourning as some of my friends, who shall remain nameless. i did go to red lobster, as an intended threesome that ended up being a twosome due to last-minute changes as we were on our way to the restaurant. honestly i thought nothing of it but my female companion apparently felt a little out of place! there were plenty of families, not just couples, dining, and it was 5 p.m., so it was a little early for the romantic evening ambiance.

i spent the rest of the evening with another friend, angie, then with her and her husband jeff and son danny, watching ND. another viewing, another 10 lines memorized. yesssss! (*pumps fist ala kip dynamite*) before that, i purchased a new cell phone, complete with camera, blue tooth wireless capability and plethora of obnoxious ringtones. i chose the least conspicuous one till i can download something appropos. and i also purchased a new, fully functioning alarm clock. having my current one NOT go off twice in a week (not the same calendar week, at least) was enough to spur the expenditure. it's a nifty CD alarm clock, and the CD sits vertically behind a clear cover, so you can see it spinning. kind of hypnotizing.

i've talked to three (tonight i hope will make 4 or 5) long-distance friends over the past week as well. amanda fashbaugh contacted me from denver, CO, regarding an intended summer visit with her husband.

resident of the lovely and soon-to-be-graced-by-my-presence cedar rapids, IA, and i have set up semi-weekly chat appointments via AIM. usually her husband also manages to send a few greetings my way while we're IMing. as i've reminded emily multiple times recently, it's so nice to have friends you actually talk to. i'm planning on visiting them over memorial day weekend.

i phoned adrienne in sunny florida the other night, since i've been utterly neglectful of all the cards and emails she's sent. okay, they were only three (two cards, one email) since i saw her in chicago the monday after thanksgiving ... but still. it was definitely my turn.

out of the blue, jen s. in portland emailed me, and we've been trying to get ahold of each other since monday. hhmmmm. now that i think of it, it was probably no coincidence that it was on S.A.D. that she emailed me.

with the introduction to my snazzy new cell phone, i've also ventured into the world of text messaging. i'll admit i never really thought much of it before i had a plan that included messaging minutes, or whatever. it's truly addicting.

cheerleading is down to its last two weeks of regular season competition, and we're headed to sectionals the day before my birthday. (MARCH 2ND) last night, we won (finally) a tough game in overtime. the guys came out from the start ready to win. it was senior night, and whatever coach said to them before the game obviously worked. our girls did their last stunting routine of the season, and minus the miscue on the beginning (we do struggle with the first few 8-counts of every routine for some reason), they hit every stunt and the timing was right on. our last home game, next tuesday, we'll just do a dance we learned at camp, so at least there's no (or minimal, considering our squad) chance for late- or post-season injury.

OH! and i'm still trying to get ahold of a mysterious miss amy nelson. her cell phone is disconnected, she isn't checking (or is just ignoring) email and i don't know where she's living now in traverse city. if anyone knows her whereabouts and how to contact her (or if you're reading this, nelson!), let me know! i would really have liked to chat with her on her birthday (wednesday) but i'll settle for the birthday month if need be.

i'm having an accountability group sleepover sunday night (no school b/c of president's day) that i'm stoked about. it's going to be fun, and uplifting, and just an all-around pleasant time. we may even get in another viewing of ND, if i have any say in things. :) actually, the girls have already expressed in interest in watching it (some who have seen it and some who haven't).

well i think that's just about all there is from this end. signing off for now (and probably the next two weeks, unfortunately, unless a divine act of God determines otherwise).

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