Monday, February 07, 2005

in lieu of "futures"

from the Jimmy Eat World (who i've just found out will be touring north america with taking back sunday!) website:

Poll Results: Non-Futures Album of the Year
Arcade Fire - Funeral 5.35%
French Kicks - Trial of the Century 0.64%
Interpol - Antics 9.88%
Hot Snakes - Audit in Progress 0.88%
Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand 19.86%
Black Eyes - Cough 0.76%
Blonde Redhead - Misery is a Butterfly 1.21%
Maritime - Glass Floor 0.96%
Reubens Accomplice - The Bull 1.81%
The Killers - Hot Fuss 58.64%
Voters: 8936.

guess who i innocently, unsupectingly voted for? i'm such a lemming.

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