Saturday, January 08, 2011

record-breaking snow...

on top of my car this morning.

i opened my front door to step out into knee-high snowdrifts on my porch. i proceeded to wade through thigh-high snow out to my car to dig it out for the next hour and a half. my mother loves to tell me about the blizzard of '78, when the snow was over the top of the fence in the backyard. i'm sure i will tell my kids tales of the food drop of '11.

960 doughnuts, 940 muffins, 200 gallons of coffee, oj and hot chocolate... almost 3,000 volunteers, 225,000 pounds of food & personal care items later... and the city of south bend is in a state of emergency!

i really like snow. it's beautiful and refreshing, though inconvenient sometimes. i love how it crunches under your boots and muffles the echoing of gunshots and honking horns around you. you'd think that getting to know your neighbors, however, would be more convenient in temperatures above 32 degrees F. not the case. the whole neighborhood was out en masse this afternoon, much like the gcc food droppers. it's like instantly, everyone realizes it's ok to slow down and lend a hand.

the first winter i was home from school and was driving around a lot, i must have slid into snowbanks at least a half a dozen times. usually, i view other drivers as menaces on wheels, but whenever i needed help, a couple or a dozen people would stop, and i'd get the help i needed.

so yeah, i guess i'm ok with the blizzard. for now, as i burrow farther under the covers...

1 comment:

Cash said...

Sounds like a good time. We were supposed get a bunch of snow here too but it never came. )= I miss the snow storms of Northern Indiana...