Monday, February 28, 2011

this is so typical...

no, no, no, no, NO!!! ok, well... maybe.

this is my internal dialogue every morning. it doesn't matter what the question is, the word "yes" doesn't register in my vocabulary until the hour of 10 a.m. or the proper dosage of caffeine kicks in. most of the time, i'm not even sure what it is that i'm fighting... have i mentioned that mornings are a little rough for me?

a week and a half until lent. found this interesting quote.

"For this Lent...I'm trying to overcome a weird addiction I have--I love to make myself upset by listening to people whose politics and attitudes differ from mine, i.e., Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly.... In some perverse way I'm addicted to the feelings of smug superiority and righteous indignation that come up in me when these people spout their hateful nonsense...but it diverts energy and attention away from God by focusing it on my own ego."


oh, so in case you missed it, i have my car back. i managed to drive it back to ed's and micah's without crashing into mary anna, who was gracious enough to not only pick me up at work and follow me to their place but also loan me her vehicle for the weekend! then upon each of the guys test driving my car, they agreed there was a slight problem. i was more than relieved to not hear them declare, "oh, that's normal. perfectly safe to drive." so all is well, and my stomach doesn't twist into knots any more at the thought of having to drive my little honda.

i'm off to trivia night with jen. i'm sure it will be a memorable experience!

1 comment:

Cash said...

I like the "Lent" quote. And, your car definitely has a problem.